This is the second generation from our nanoscale thermal analysis (nano-TA) family and it adds a powerful DSP controller to this technique which enables sub-100nm local thermal analysis for most commercially available AFMs. This resolution is 100x better than previously reported and is made possible by our thermal probe technology which enables you to:
- Image the sample of interest with sub-30nm spatial resolution (in contact or intermittent contact modes) and identify the regions whose thermal properties that you’d like to study.
- Heat a local area of less than 100nm diameter with the probe to temperatures of over 400˚C to study thermal properties such as glass transition or melting point.
- Local heating allows very fast heating rates up to 600,000˚ C/min and eliminates thermal drift issues that plague bulk sample heating approaches.
- Image with a heated tip to induce local thermal events over specific regions of a surface.
- Map the temperatures across the sample with a resolution of <0.1 ºC