HS-500MG AFM XYZ calibration standard, 500nm Z, mounted on 12mm AFM disc





The HS-500MG is predominantly a height calibration standard with a 500nm calibrated height. It consists of silicon dioxide structures on a 5x5mm silicon chip. The fabrication process guarantees excellent uniformity of the structures across the chip. The calibration area is located in the centre of the silicon chip and consists of a larger square of 1x1mm with square pillars and holes with a 10µm pitch. In the centre of this square resides a smaller square of 500×500µm with circular pillars and holes with a 5µm pitch.

This design also allows for X- / Y-axis calibration for biggers scanners in the 10-40µm range. The structure symmetry of the HS-500MG enables calibrating your AFM system in one step without rotating the sample in between X- and Y-axis calibration.
The HS-500MG is mounted on a 12mm metal AFM disc using electrically conductive epoxy resin. The exact height value is stated on the label of the HS-500MG.

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Weight 100 g

Additional information

Weight 100 g