Krytox GPL 207 PFPE / PTFE grease, 57g tube






Krytox GPL 207 and GPL206  are a long-lasting, white buttery greases which are nonreactive, nonflammable, safe in chemical and oxygen service. It only contains carbon, oxygen and fluorine, but no hydrogen or silicone. It will not burn or support combustion. It is an ideal grease for vacuum parts which are exposed to air such as rods in vacuum loading locks, vacuum door seals, moving aperture holders and valves. Krytox does not degrade in contact with air, does not contain any silicone and is basically chemically inert.  Krytox GPL 207/206 greases consist of Krytox perfluoropolyether (PFPE) fluorinated synthetic oil and Krytox 2000 polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE). It also exhibits excellent anti-seize properties. It can be used up to a service temperature of 288°C. Originally a Dupont product, now a product of Chemours. Krytox GPL 207/206 are alternatives for Braycote 803 and the OC Five / OC Seven greases.
Due to initial outgassing, it is recommended to pre-condition the grease under vacuum and operating temperature until the required vacuum level has been reached.

Typical applications include:

  • seal and lubricate in oxygen applications
  • seal and lubricate vacuum components
  • seal and lubricate load-lock rods
  • seal and lubricate vacuum feedthroughs
  • lubricate O-rings on vacuum systems
  • lubricate seals in aggressive chemical environments

Krytox GPL 207/206 PFPE / PTFE greases

Product # 64-001015 / 64-001060 64-002060
Product name Krytox GPL 207 Krytox GPL 206
Service temperature range -30°C to +288°C -36°C to +260°C
Density @ 0°C / 100°C 1.95g/cm3 / 1.78 g/cm3 1.95g/cm3 / 1.78 g/cm3
Viscosity@ 20°C / 100°C 1540CSt / 42cSt 822CSt / 25cSt
ISO Grade of Oil 460 220
Oxygen compatible Yes Yes
Chemical resistance Excellent Excellent
Solubility Virtually insoluble Virtually insoluble
Components Pure PFPE / PTFE Pure PFPE / PTFE