YPS Schottky TFE emitter modules with type 184 suppresor for FEI, Tescan and Camscan





YPS-184 Schottky TFE emitter module

The YPS-184 Schottky TFE emitter module is a drop-in replacement alternative for the FEI Schottky TFE emitter module.

YPS-184-Schottky TFE emitter module

The YPS-184 Schottky TFE emitter module is a drop-in replacement alternative for the FEI Schottky TFE emitter module. The suppressor aperture has a diameter of 500µm and the emitter protrudes 250µm from the suppressor electrode. The YPS-184 is easy to recognize through the flange at the base. The YPS-184 Schottky TFE module is used in FEI/Philips, CamSCan andTescan FE columns. It can also be fond on other systems using an electron beam column with TFE source. Dimensions of the YPS-184 TFE module

Additional information

Weight N/A

CamScan TFE columns, FEI TFE columns, Tescan TFE Columns

Additional information

Weight N/A

CamScan TFE columns, FEI TFE columns, Tescan TFE Columns