Micro-Tec quartz microscope slide 50.8 x 25.4 x 1mm, fused quartz


SKU: 51-001112 Categories: ,



SKU: 51-001112 Categories: ,


The Micro-Tec quartz microscope slides and coverslips are primarily used for microscopy applications where enhanced UV transparency is needed. Other applications include requirements for improved optical performance, reduced light absorption, high temperature stability, chemical stability and UV radiation transparency. The Micro-tec quartz microscope slides and quartz coverslips are made from type GE124 high purity fused quartz. This has been the choice of quartz for microscopy applications for many decades. The Micro-Tec quartz slides are available in 4 sizes, the quartz coverslips in 7 sizes with two different thicknesses. For improved optical performance consider using the 0.5mm thick coverslips as substrate.

Size specifications for the Micro-tec quartz slides and quartz coverslips

Product # Description Size L x W x T or Diameter x T
51-001112 Quartz slide 50.8 x 25.4mm 50.8 x 25.4 x 1mm

Additional information

Weight 30 g

Additional information

Weight 30 g